To start issuing commands to your Ships, you first have to select them.

The following is a list of all Ship controls. The only exception to this rule is the Small Tradesman's Cog: it is slowed by only 15%. Slowdown due to damage is the same for all ships: ship speed is reduced by a maximum of 75% (i.e., the ship moves at 1/4 of its undamaged speed). Speed and reduction can be changed through attainments, bonus items and crew members, and by building Historic Warehouses. When a ship is damaged or loaded with goods, it moves at reduced speed. Ships move at the speeds listed in the table below. The first rank unlocks the Small Tradesman's Cog, and the second rank unlocks the Large Tradesman's Cog. The Venetian shipbuilding Attainment is required to unlock construction of the two Venetian ships.

The Large Tradesman's Cog also has armaments on board, which allows it to continue operating during wartime without the need for an escort. By default they have extended Cargo hold capacity and higher damage resistance than other Ships. Two new Ships were added by the Venice add-on: the Small and Large Tradesman's Cog. * The Flagship and Corsair ship can only be purchased for the displayed amount from Lord Northburgh and Hassan ben Sahid respectively.